Superpowered corruption
Superpowered corruption

  • Negative Energy: utilize the unstable energies of corruption into a highly effective form of combat, for long-range attacks and close quarter combat.
  • Madness: take root in those who are prone to maddening fits or amplify inherent madness within a subject.
  • Guilt: become stronger by sensing the guilt and self-fault in others.
  • superpowered corruption

    Greed: manipulate the victims with greedy hearts and bending them to the users will.Distrust: cause the trust of the victims to turn against their loved ones which causes betrayal and disorder among them.Corruption Combat: the user can combine corruption powers with physical combat ability.Corruption Aura: the user can spread corruption through the user's aura.Confusion: the user can use the darkness in the victim's heart and clash it with the victim's light causing the person to be paralyzed in a state of confusion with conflicting forces.Chaos: use corruption to unravel the order of reality and cause mayhem and strife among those who are corrupted.The user can even influence the corruption in a means of combat purposes, energy attacks, or corruption techniques.

    superpowered corruption superpowered corruption

    The user can even become stronger with the darkness and corruption of others by just being around them. The user may take control of any darkness in the hearts of others to make them into their servants. The user can manipulate the powers of corruption to take a variety of effects on themselves or others.

    Superpowered corruption